Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aesop's Fables - Androcles

   How would you feel when someone helps you? Happy? Grateful?  YES, I'll extremely grateful for those who help me.  This make me can feel the warmth of human and friendliness. 

   'Androcles'  is an interesting fable.  After read this fable, we can learn two proverbs from it, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed' and 'One good turns deserves another'.  This fable can be used as a good material to teach our students to be a good person.  We can tell them when we do something good, we will get something good in return.  Besides, we should help each other in our lives.  Don't too selfish as it is a poison in our society.  

   In classroom, teacher can get students to write the script and act out the story.  I think it is funny.  

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