Sunday, February 20, 2011


     As rats never fail to dig a hole since they were born, so with human, the son will inherit his father's merits and demerits as well, it sounds likes a proverb 'like father, like son'.  In this folktale, the boy ought to be a strong swimmer, because he is the son of a turtle.  With an opportunity, and a brave decision, he faces the dragon with unequaled courage.  Finally, he succeeds in the mission.  His courage is an example to all of us.
     Of course, there are natural conditions of the turtle's son, but he still has to acquire the effort to succeed.  In reality, how about the people who without inborn quality?  We should seize the opportunity and keep our nose to the grindstone to be successful.  Thomas A. Edison said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".

     We should encourage our students to work hard to catch up everything and strive for the highest goals.

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